[Spotykach] stereotypes exchange (films)

olhas olhas at web.de
Wed Oct 26 11:37:41 CEST 2005

Dear friends,

now I am in  a process of making research on the topic: "Eastern and 
Western Europe in clishes on example of films industry" which would 
be part of seminars sessions "Role of media in imposing 
stereotypes/prejudises/mythoses about Eastern and Western Europe". I 
am working on the lists of films which gave a sagnificant input in 
developing certain images about East and West. As an example, the 
film Window to Paris (1993) 
There are plenty of them also to find thrugh internet. What I am 
interested to know if people would like also to see such a films 
during seminar and discuss the topic and make some statement from the 
seminar point of view. I am also very interested  in some alternative 
film if exists such where there is an attempt to break those clishes. 
Therefore I wanted ask you in case someone have got such films in 
memories and would like to speak about, to see it and have discussion 
afterwords, possibly also for public. The question is if someone can 
bring some films with or I can try find it here and order it from the 
internet. It could be nice make something like a collage of films 
which underline how far we all under the stereotypes. Me personally 
feel like "any brutal word" when I see always the same scene of dronk 
Russians making fun whole film trough (not mater which one) compare 
with super-clean, maked-up Western heros showing unreal world where 
they supposed beloned to. More about on the seminar...

best wishes, Olga 

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