[Spotykach] anti NATO in Ukraine

Leonid Savin evrazia at ukr.net
Mon Aug 15 11:37:01 CEST 2005

Questionnaire form for activist who want to be involved in anti-NATO campaign in Ukraine. Please, pass it out to anyone who may interested
Mark your choice and write your answers:                                            evrazia at gmail.com

Your name, age, gender

Your contact details (address, phone, e-mail)

Why you interested in anti-NATO campaign?

Can you to be volunteer and to help with campaign organization process in any positions:
-	To gather and to spread information
-	Help to translate text’s
-	To find another volunteers
-	Contacts with mass-media
-	To be regional/local coordinator
-	Hacking
-	Direct actions
-	Help with fundraising
-	Creative work (design, ideas, etc…)
-	Another (please, describe):

What languages you speak?
Anything else, you want to tell?

А вы в курсе как заработать на курсе? FOREX. Дилинговый центр АКБ "Укрсоцбанк". 
Работает круглосуточно. Лиц НБУ № 5 от 29.12.2001. 

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