[Spotykach] project proposal accepted!

Olga Samborska olhas at web.de
Fri Jun 24 18:11:43 CEST 2005

Hi, spotykachers,

Our last silence on the list means no death of it because I have a nice news 
for you to wake you up:-)
Our project with EYFA concerning east-west meeting, we were talking before 
and information about which I also have send to the list, has got accepted. 
This means that we have financial groud to do the meeting very much 
realistic (not ber limmited in reimbursh partly those who otherwise cannot 
afford etc) and in better way as it would be only absed on entusiasm.. More 
concretely: next year we can meet in Berlin in spring time to get to know 
each other better and discuss mentioned before topics or developt a new one. 
Since around the same time in Grecee there would be ESF ( European Social 
Forum) in Athens in early april 2006, we can have our discussion also in 
parralel to it. The topic: who will manage finally to shut down capitalism 
and what then? Is WEst produce ideas for it and East will fulfil it or now 
East is just follows? Thre are many questions like this...Only do we want 
have our meeting before this even or afterwords or if we want be connected 
at all?
Since the idea is that we do this meeting alltogather (in collective matter 
(as eastern style) with focus on personalities (from western) /Joke!/, it 
could be nice exchage with you all the ideas, articles etc which can help us 
later on develop some programm we want to work with.Some people have asked 
me about information on the topic east-wests under our angles. So please who 
do some research in the web, pls forward it to the list. Then we can se what 
we can use for the meeting itself.
Second: now I am working on the broshure whith which I would like to cover 
the topic of east-west communication of activiists in last years accordign 
to´the different experience of conferences, seminars, camos, actions and so 
on. The core materials for it are from GGG seminar, madia and xenophobia 
seminar and other events I am familiar with. Who want to share some 
articles, out-materials, reports etc, you are really welcome. Such broshure 
can serve us a start point or reader for the future meeting.
I would imaging discuss all possible points, ideas and aproaches. If someone 
would like joing a preparatory team which is based in Berlin, please let me 

more concrete later on..

regards, Olga 

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